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  • Writer's pictureNora Roberts

How to Win Cash Register AmountThrough Radio Competitions

On-air radio competitions in the UK have always been a source of high cash register amounts. And although there are fewer competitions around compared to the 90s and 00s, you still have a good chance of winning if you put the effort in!

You can use many methods to enter an on-air radio competition. You would have to call the studio in the past, but now you can join by text, email, Twitter, or website – even by sharing a picture on Instagram! – depending on the station.

Listen to Different Stations at Different Times

Regular radio winners aren't loyal – they'll tune in to many stations ( local, national, and even not-so-local!) for the best chance of getting on the air. If you've tuned in and there's no statement of an on-air competition, change to a new station!

Most competitions are on the Breakfast show, the DriveTime show, and sometimes the weekend morning shows. You'll have a better chance of winning the cash register amount at a local station, but the prizes will usually be smaller than at a national station.

Check Radio Station Websites

Check the websites of your favorite radio stations weekly to see if they've added any new competitions. Quite a few stations request you to pre-register online for competitions, occasionally requiring you to upload a photo or tell a story. Do this early – before the contest is mentioned on air – and you'll have a sounder chance to win the cash register amount.

Save Numbers on your Phone

Check studio and SMS numbers online and keep them all into your phone. Do a fast 'test call' and hang up before the comp begins to ensure you can press redial when they invite people to call in. If you ever get a ring back from a radio station, then make sure you save that in your contacts.

It's worth texting in, even if it's not for a contest, so send your music requests and funny stories when the DJ asks. Regular contributors might be favored when it arrives at competitors!

Be Prepared

If you know when a contest is on air, set a reminder on your phone 5 minutes earlier – if it's one you can enter every day, then put it as a repeat notification.

It's helpful to have at least one friend you can select for a radio competition – you'd be amazed how many stations still have comps where they call up your buddy to answer questions about you. If you'll be responding to questions and you know the moment you'll be called, ask your friends that you might require their help in a Whatsapp or Facebook messenger chat – or ask someone in your office to be on standby!

If you're going to be questioned, make sure you can sit in front of a tablet, computer, or laptop with Google open, ready to quickly search for an answer. Plug earphones into your phone, or use earbuds, so you have free hands! If you know the question's theme, do as much research as possible–even printable fact sheets if necessary. This will increase the chances of winning the cash register amount.

Call at The Right Time

When you hear the presenter begin talking about the competition, start calling directly – for many stations, you'll encounter an automated menu and have to 'press 1 for the studio', so get prepared to do this fast! The phone will hopefully ring out, but if it's engaged, hang up and try redialling instantly. If the phone does ring and isn't responded to, don't hang up – occasionally, they take 5 minutes to answer because they've picked up another line. Please don't hang up your phone until they cut you off or you hear the competition on air.

In the UK, radio stations often give the cash register amount. Anyone in the UK can enter the UK competition.

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